Gold selling signal and 500 pips till now

Gold selling signal and 500 pips till now

Gold selling signal
 Gold recorded historical price levels, as the price of an ounce of gold reached 2483 dollars per ounce.

According to the technical analysis of gold from Gold Pattern Company, the price of gold is expected to decrease, and accordingly,

a gold recommendation was sent on Thursday, July 18, 2024. Gold was sold from Level 2468 is expected,

and the price of gold has so far fallen by the equivalent of 500 points
It is expected that the price of gold will continue to decline to achieve the price target at 2368
Gold recommendations are immediate daily and weekly recommendations executed on the market price
 You can subscribe to gold recommendations on WhatsApp and email

 Gold recommendation
sell from 2468
 Date the recommendation was sent
Jul 18, 2024, 3:19 PM

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